Our Commitment

We are committed to finding + supporting sustainable, eco-friendly, made in the USA, woman-owned businesses.  All of our inventory is indicated under the product description if it falls into these categories.  

We always guarantee your package will be shipped using 100% ethical and sustainable materials.

100% Sustainable Packaging

Tissue Paper - made from 100% post industrial recycled fibers. made in the USA.

Seed Paper - Plant me!  All of the seed paper is made from post-consumer and post-industrial paper diverted from local waste streams.  How to plant:  place your seed paper on soil that is slightly compressed, but not too hardpacked.  Add 1/8 inch of soil on top of the paper and give it a good drink of water.  After that, make sure it's always moist and in a sunny spot.  You should see sprouts within 7-10 days.  Current flower blend includes bird's eye (annual), clarkia (annual), black-eyed susan (perennial), catchfly (annual), and sweet alyssum (annual).

Mailers + Clothing Bags -  Made of biodegradable and certified compostable materials:  plants (corn), PLA (made from corn starch) and PBAT (a binding agent/resin added for stretch).  Meet strict tests for compostability and have the following certificates:  BPI (a composting standard developed by the Biodegradable Product Institute and the U.S. Composting Council.  The standard is designed to certify packaging products that and compost and biodegrade completely and safely in municipal and commercial compost facilities.), Vincotte (Ok Compost Home certification means the package is compostable in backyard or home composting facilities.  This is one of the world's only home composting certifications and is based on the European standard EN 13432), and Seedling (a certification body authorized by European Bioplastics and recognizes products that are in compliance with EN 13432).

Closure Sticker - The custom closure sticker is eco-friendly.  It is FSC Certified, printed on acid free paper, and printed with soy-based inks.  The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certifies that the paper products that make up our custom printed stickers are sourced from a forest and supply chain that is managed responsibly and sustainably.  FSC forest management standards are developed at an international level, and are then adapted to individual countries' legal, social, and geographical settings, through national standards.  The acid free paper is made from cellulose fiber where the active acid pulp is eliminated during processing.  The pulp is also lignin-and sulfur-free, meaning that the ink won't transfer from the stickers and the paper won't leave behind any of these chemicals when decomposing.  Soy inks are made from soybeans, a renewable resource. 

Custom Printed Tape - Our tape is environmentally friendly using 100% recycled FSC and soy-based inks.  The FSC certifies that the paper that make up the custom tape is sourced from a forest and supply chain that is managed responsibly and sustainably.  Furthermore, the tape itself is made from 100% recycled content and is water-activated, meaning that the surface isn't coated in wax to prevent sticking--another environmental benefit.  The soy-based inks are made from soybeans meaning they do not leave behind petroleum when decomposing like most inks.

Closure Tape - 100% plant-derived backing, renewable, and naturally biodegradable rubber adhesive.

Address Labels - Our address labels feature a release liner that is 100% recycled and curbside recyclable!